According to surveys, 96% of women are happy working in a male-dominated workplace. And here’s how you should behave if you want to join that happy statistic.
What can go wrong with coworkers?
There’s a temptation: to flirt
Some 10-15 years ago, the phrase “office romance” was associated with your favorite movie, but now it is more and more associated with violation of ethical rules and subordination. And it can concern the most unexpected moments – the habit of putting a hand on a colleague’s shoulder or jokingly stroking his head, loudly calling him to the bar or the fake tea brought from home with the argument “drink it, bunny, don’t sneeze”.
Try this:
Until you understand what style of communication is accepted in the team, it is better to behave as neutrally as possible: friendly, but without one-on-one coffee breaks or a big hug when you meet. And then – according to circumstances, but within the bounds of decency and job descriptions. And yes, you can, of course, have lunch with colleagues, go on business trips and go to corporate parties: those who look down on others and distance themselves are not very welcome at work. Just remember: there is a difference between “becoming your own person” and “being your own person”.
There’s a temptation: turn on the “girlie-girl” thing
Crying if something does not work out, being late and confusing the place of meeting, referring to the fact that blondes do not orient themselves well in space – not a good idea for the 20s of the 21st century.
Try this:
Remember that gender alone does not give you any preferential treatment, because you work together on common tasks and share responsibility. Above all, you are a professional. Don’t expect your colleague to cover for you in a chivalrous way in front of your boss and learn the way from your desk to meeting room number five – it’s real, honestly!
What could possibly go wrong with a supervisor?
There’s a temptation to be a little flirty
In this situation, flirting is even less appropriate than in the case of a colleague in an equal position. Even if you don’t mean anything at all and just joke about the “my boss is handsome” situation, you put your boss in a difficult position. He is unlikely to be happy about rumors and hints of harassment: it can be very damaging to his business reputation – and it will certainly not add to your respect.
Getting special treatment on the basis that you are the only or one of the few female subordinates is also a bad idea. If the manager himself discounts you on the basis of gender, he is, to put it mildly, not a very good manager. In addition, such favor can have a downside – you will not be taken seriously and certainly will not be promoted, because from the care of pretty women go bad, or as they wrote in novels of the XIX century?
Try this:
Behave naturally and calmly, and speak to your boss as an authority figure who does not and cannot have feelings for you.
Relationships with your boss should remain working in all cases, even (and especially!) if he is your husband or blood relative. Try to react calmly to criticism, don’t let tears fall, and please don’t make jokes about women’s logic, impracticality, or unpunctuality.
What can go wrong with subordinates?
There’s a temptation: to step into the role of the femme fatale and beautiful leader
Even if a younger colleague supports this game, it is not good for anyone. Just as unsuccessful and the role of mommy, who makes the “boy” in time to eat lunch and put on a hat, or an older wise friend, giving advice on relationships with girls. In the case when the subordinate is older (there are such things) should not be stewed and even jokingly apologize for their own position. The right thing is not to bet on age at all, unnecessarily do not emphasize their status and do not impose sternness.
Try this:
Praise your employee more often – a kind word will be pleasant even for someone who was not very happy to work under you. The fact that you remember the names of his children or ask him how his vacation went will show once again that you are not a cold careerist, but a normal person.
What’s the difference?
Men’s collectives are different from women’s or mixed collectives, and here’s how:
- Competition. This is how it has been since ancient times, so be prepared: your colleagues will actively compete and seek promotion – and not always by honest means.
- Independence. Men usually do not like to obey, and even with their superiors they can have serious disagreements.
- A minimum of emotions. Guys only rejoice openly, but those feelings that can make them look weak – sadness, gratuitous anger – try to hide.
- Team spirit. One for all, all for one, and instead of a corporate party we’ll organize a strikeball championship or a hike
Don’t try to change your coworkers to suit you. Do the smart thing: show them that problems can be solved in different ways. For example, you don’t have to rush headlong to solve an incorrectly assigned task with the whole crowd, you can clarify the details with your superiors – and work together to get the result (and a bonus).
And remember: no matter how difficult the beginning of your work among men, relationships can always be established. Study the principles of interaction in the company, the strengths and weaknesses of colleagues. Think about how you can prove yourself and earn respect. Your task is to become a full-fledged team player. And this is not facilitated neither by behavior in the style of a fragile doll, nor by aggressive struggle for equality and attempts to teach others about life. If a colleague brings his wife cakes for his birthday, it is a reason to give her a collective thank you, not to argue that women do not have to cook.