When it comes to working out, one thing is certain – cardio machines are always in demand.

The most common ones, which can be found in almost every fitness center, are the treadmill and the elliptical. Both of these devices are easy to use, suitable for beginners and allow you to adjust the load. So which one should you choose to achieve your goals?

Treadmill or elliptical: which is better to use in the gym

What is an elliptical trainer?

If it looks weird to you, you’re not alone – this device was created with a focus on ergonomics over attractive looks. “The motion on the elliptical combines the natural running motion and step climbing,” explains personal trainer Amy Morris.

Running coach Steve Stonehouse adds that on an elliptical trainer, the user’s foot never touches the ground – eliminating impact stress on joints even during an intense cardio workout.

What is a treadmill?

It mimics the natural movement pattern of running while allowing the user to choose any load, combining speed and incline. And, Morris says, the track gives the user an “honest” workout without having to change pace, as is often the case when jogging outdoors.

Elliptical or treadmill: which to choose?

Let’s start with the main question on everyone’s mind – which of these exercise machines burns more calories? According to an energy expenditure study conducted in 2010, the results are about the same, so if your goal is to lose weight, choose the device you prefer.

An elliptical trainer is better for those who are concerned about safety – your feet will be on a platform with a fixed path of motion, so you definitely won’t trip. And, of course, the elliptical is necessary for those who take care of their joints – it treats them very gently.

Athletes who are preparing for competitions need a treadmill: it will help you run a marathon, an elliptical will not. Finally, a treadmill is suitable for those who need a high-intensity workout – the combination of speed and elevation angle will allow you to train with maximum dedication.

By Irene

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